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Make Your Trip WORTH IT

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Tickets available now! 
Only 19 left.

Check out the itinerary for this trip and get your ticket before they sell out!

Tickets Available January 2024

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Tickets Available Early 2024

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Group Young Travellers 18-35 Party Festival Contiki Vibe

Who is Festivals With Benefits?

The group that makes travel WORTH IT

There's only one thing more fun than going to a festival - and that's going with fun people. Festivals With Benefits Leading Tour Guide, Zak, discovered this after solo travelling Europe, Asia and America over the span of 3 years. During this travel he learnt the hidden secrets of world renowned festivals like Running With The Bulls - now it has become his mission to share these secrets with passionate 18-35 year old travelers and help them make their travel WORTH IT. Stay up to date with Zak's Trips via Instagram.

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About Us
Group Young Travellers 18-35 Party Festival Contiki Vibe




(+61) 448 450 161


Administration operates on Australian business hours. 

If contacting outside of these hours please get in touch via socials, email or inquiry.

Our expert tour guide will respond promptly to all social media and email replies.

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